Crossing the typhoons

We crossed a typhoon (almost), were saved from a non-sinking boat and were hoping to be stranded on a deserted island. Ok, I’ll detail a bit more. The other day, we took a ferry from dream island one (Coron) to dream island two (El Nido, main island Palawan). An easy trip of around 7 hours […]

Un duro trayecto entre islas

Estamos en las islas de Palawan, en Filipinas. Y hemos sobrevivido a una alerta de tifon. Tras unos dias en Coron, en el norte, decidimos ir a El Nido, en la isla principal. Para ello hay que coger un barco (ojo: las guias dicen ferry pero se trata de un pequeño y rudimentario barco de […]

Happy new year!!!

Happy new year to all of you from Malcaputa Island (Philippines) We wish you all the best for 2013!!!! Merxi & David